Friday, February 15, 2008


Although the survival tactic of bacteria contribute to antibiotic resistant,human bears most of the responsibility for the problems. leading cause of antibiotic resistance includes

*Unnecesary antibiotic use in humans : Like other superbugs MRSA is also a result of decades of excessive and unnecesary use of antibiotics.Foryears antibiotics have been prescribed for cold, Flu and other viral infection that doesn't respond to these drugs as well as for simple bacterial infection that normally clear to their own.

* Antibiotics in food and water : Prescription drugs are not the only source of antibiotics.In the UNITED STATES the antibiotics can be found in beef cattle,pigs and chickens. The same antibiotics then find their way into municipal water system when the runoff from the feedlots contaminates stream and ground water. Routine feeding of antibiotics to animal is banned in EUROPEAN UNION and many other industrilized country.Antibiotics given in proper doses to animal who are sick doesn't appear to produce resistant bacteria.

*GERM MUTATION : Even when antibiotic are used appropriately,the contribute to the rise of drug resistant bacteria because they don't destroy even the germ they target.Bacteria live on a evolutionary fast track so germ that survive treatment with one antibiotic soon learn to resist other. And because bacteria mutate much more quickly than new drugs can be produced,some germs end upto resistant to just about everything.That's why only a handful of drugs are now more effective against most forms of staph.