RISK FACTORS IN Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
Because hospital and community strains of MRSA generall occurs in different setting,the risk factor for the two strains difer.
Risk factor for HA( hospital accquried) MRSA include :
* A current or recent hospitalization : MRSA remains a concern in hospitals,where it can extract the most vulnerable older adult and people with wekend immune system,burns,surgical wounds, or surgical wounds or serious underlyng health problems.A 2007 report from TheAssociation for Professional infection control and epidermiology estimated that 1.2 billion hospital patients are infected with MRSA each year in united states.they had also estimated that approx 432000 are colonizes with it.
* Residing in a long term care facility :- MRSA is far more prevalent in these facilities than it is in hospitals.carriers of MRSA have aaility to spread it even if they are not sick.
*Invansive devices : people who are on dialysis, are catherized or having feeding tubes or other invansive devices are at higher risk.
*Recent antibiotic use: Treatment with fluroquinolones (ciproflaxin,ofloxafcin or levoflaxin) or cephalosporin antibiotics can increase the risk of HA-MRSA.
The main risk factors for CA-MRSA are
*Young age: CA-MRSA can be paticularly dangerous in childerns.Often entering the body through a cut or scrap,MRSA can quicky cause a wide spread infection.children may be susseptible because their immune system aren't fully developed or they don't yet have antibodies to common germs.
*Participating in contact sport : CA-MRSA have spread in both amatuer and professional sport's team. The bacteria spreads eaisly through cuts and abrasion and skin to skin contact.
Also sharing towel and atheletic equipments can increase the risk of CA-MRSA.
* Having a weekend immune system: People with weekend immune system including those living with HIV/AIDS are more likely to have severe CA-MRSA.
* Association with health care workers: People who are in close contacts in health care workers are at increased risk of serious staph infection