Monday, February 4, 2008

MRSA-Methicillian resistant staphylococcus aureus

hello friends
thinking na that about what I m talking????? friends this is pic of staph infection .

In this blog of mine i m here to warn u about MRSA and other vital disease which looks small but can cause great harm to mankind...
first of all I would like to share with u about MRSA infection i.e Methicillian-Resistant Staphylococcus Aurens.
S.aureus bacteria is known for causing skin infection in adition to many other types of infections.
Decades ago, a strain of staph emerged in hospital that was resistant to broad spectrum antibiotics commomnly used to treat it.
Dubbed Methicillian Resistant Staphylococcus Aurens(MRSA), it was one of the first germ to outwit all but the most powerful drug.MRSA infections can be fatal.Staph bacteria is found in skin or in the nose of one-third of population.If you have staph on your skin or in your nose and you are not sick then you are said to be "colonized" but not infected with MRSA.Healthy people can be colonized with MRSA and have no ill effects.However they can pass germs to others.
There are other designation in the scientific literature for these bacteria acording to where the bacteria are accquired by patients such as community accquired MRSA(CA-MRSA which is responsible for many skin and soft tissue infection and can form a serious form of pneumonia) or epidemic MRSA(EMRSA).

Although S.Aureus is causing infection as long as human race has existed,MRSA has relatively short history.
MRSA was first noted in 1961,about two years after the antibiotic methicillian was used to treat S.Aurens and other infectious bacteria.Even this is resistant to numerous antibiotics of beta-lactum family including methicillian and penicillian.
The resistance to methicillian is due to a penicillian binding protein coded for by a mobile genetic element termed the methicillian resistant gene(mec-A).In ecent year the gene has continued to evolve so that many MRSA strain are currently resistant to several different antibiotics. S.Aurens is sometime termed as superbug due to it's ability to become resistant to several antibiotics.
One major problem with MRSA is that occasionaly skin infection can spread to almost any other organ in the body.When this happens more severe symptoms appears.MRSA spread to internal organ can become life -"threatning.fever,chills,low blood pressures,joint pain,sevre headache,shortness of breadth and rash" over most of the body are symptoms that neds immediate medical attention,especially when associated with skin infections

now let us see about scientific classification of MRSA

Domian : bacteria
kingdom : bacteria
Phylum : firmicutis
class : bacilli
order: Bacilliales
family: staphylococcaceae
genus: staphylococcus
species: s.aureus
Binomial name: staphylococcus aureus

given by Rosenbach in 1884.


CDC report published in October 2007 issue of the Journal Of American Association suggested that MRSA infection are more prevalent than previously thought.This doesn't necesialy represent an increase in MRSA,however MRSA simply not been measured in this way before.At about the same time news report emerged of student staph infection and deaths in several states including the death of a previously healthy 17 year old football player in Moneta.The combination of those school event and the new data is doubly distressing especially for parents.